At midnight on 28/29th August 2002 42 members and partners set off from The Spread Eagle in Rolleston for our Lingen adventure. The coach took us to Dover in time to catch the 5:00am ferry to Calais. By 11:30am we were in Lingen and ready for a nap before the first evening concert. 

Here is a list of RCS members and accompanying persons. Some, nearly 20years on are still singing with us.


Below is a copy of the outline programme for the visit

Here is the programme of music we sang over the long weekend

Here is the Official German Programme for all the choirs


And a street map of Lingen


At the end of a wonderfull weekend of music and convivial international frienship we headed off home. We arrived back in Rolleston just before midmight on 1 September. The photographs below remind us of those happy few days.

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